Website Terms and Conditions 

  1. General terms and conditions for all users 
    1. The  website and Partner hosted payment websites (, (together ‘the website(s)’) are owned by Flip Money Pty Ltd ACN 640 607 932 (“FlipPay”). 
    2. Your access to the website is subject to these terms and conditions, the FlipPay Privacy Policy, notices, disclaimers any other terms and conditions or other statements contained on the website, and, if you use any of the services identified on the website for which additional or alternative terms and conditions are referred to, those additional terms and conditions for those other services (referred to collectively as “Terms of Use”). By accessing, viewing or otherwise using the website, you agree to be subject to these Terms of Use. 
    3. FlipPay may, with 14 business days prior notice, vary or modify these Terms of Use. Any subsequent access to, or use by you of the website will constitute an acceptance of those modifications. 
    4. You agree that where FlipPay is required, by law or otherwise, to provide you with a document, you consent to the provision of that document electronically through the links on the website. We suggest that you print a copy of the document, or file it electronically, for future reference. 
  1. Liability disclaimer 
    1. The content of this site should be used as a general guide only. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the information on the website is both accurate and up to date, FlipPay does not accept any liability to any party for loss, or damage incurred by reliance placed on the information contained in the website or through omission or errors however caused. 
    2. FlipPay shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, claims or losses of any nature (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, direct, indirect, special or consequential damages) arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use or inability to use the website, or any material contained in it by you or any third party, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using the website or any such material. You expressly agree that use of the website is at your sole risk. 
  1. External links 
    1. This site contains links to external websites, operated by third parties. FlipPay does not accept any responsibility in respect of the content and security of those sites and does not endorse any third party websites or their availability or contents including any views or opinions expressed within those sites. 
  1. Intellectual property 
    1. All trademarks, logos, trade names, information and material available on this website are the property of FlipPay. You may use this information for your own personal reference only. You may reproduce this information in hard copy solely for your personal use. The information may not otherwise be reproduced and must not be distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any way into another document or other material. 
  1. Contacting us 
    1. If you have any questions or concerns about our Terms and Conditions, please contact us at

By accessing and viewing this website you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this website.